Wednesday, October 31, 2007


hi bloggie.. regular day.. went to school.. went home.. nap and went to meet up kel, rayne and Mc for dinner. original plans was to catch superbad @ 2125 hrs at homeground with Rayne, Mc and Steff.. Steff couldn't make it. rayne had to do roster. turns out MC and me watched 2 movies.

Mc was a real good sport. she watched Resident Evil already and she joined me again. Resident Evil (RE): Extinction was okay.. i like the fire scene that burns the crow... it looks super awesome! Big Guns and nifty fight scenes were the appeal of the movie. i like the knives that Milla Jovovich used... and it takes alot of craft to wield those knives.

then me and mc watched The Brave One... haha.. think the movie was a lil too long. the movie itself is relating abt a victim with a vengence. the story plot was typical. but the ending had a nice twist. which i liked. not much fight scenes and not much depth in the movie. guess a regular guns-bang-bang-bang movie.

went home on foot as my 2 wheels malfunction in a way that runs out of air. and it started to rain abt 10 mins before i am near home.. so i walked in the rain. being a long time since i walked in the rain without the need to run for shelter.

the best way to cry is to cry with the rain, in the rain

trying out photoshop and made my wallpaper

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Hi bloggie.. well.. saw an ultra cool trailer tat makes me go " WOW! "

absolutely making me wanna watch it! hahaha.. and i just watched factory girl with Mc and Rayne... not their cup of tea as one doze after the other. and nope, its not that i like the film but rather, i guess my tolerance level was higher. =x

Lana cake and ice cream! neat... and home made muffins...
hmm.. my tagline of the month,
As Long As you are Happy.
hahaha.. =)

Friday, October 26, 2007


hi bloggie... 今天,和很久没联络的朋友在MSN聊天。。。 感想很多很多。

亲情,友情,爱情。。。 亲情第一,友情第二,爱情最后。 你同意吗?


一句话 一辈子
一生情 一杯酒

还有伤 还有痛
还要走 还有我


A friend to all is a friend to none.



Sunday, October 21, 2007


hi bloggie.. i fallen sick... bad cough and sore throat... office everyone fallin sick... Rayne and me getting the worst hits... both of us sound terrible. hmm..

dunno abt wat is happening ard me any more...

maybe time to meet other ppl...

sometimes i ask myself.. am i a bad person, or am i turning bad... if drinking is evil, y do i still do it. if playing till wee hours is evil, y do i still do it. i am the youngest in the group, is that y i am acting so young? being taken care of is a good feeling. i now understand it.

i think i lost me again. i dunno how is it possible but i can't seem to find back the agu again. they said having fun is a sin.. too much fun.. i am overdose..

i need some remedy.. and fast


Sunday, October 14, 2007


hi bloggie.. hmm.. being another long time since i blog here.. happening life?! not realli but more of a lifestyle that i had not led before.. i dunno either. feeling a sense of lost at times.. being a real long time le.

oh well.. i guess i was avoiding the problem. i need to face it. i can't procastinate anymore.

Photos of a recent KTV session. hahaha.. =)
will try to update again. maybe after the busy period in school..

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


hi bloggie... hmm.. thx for those who cared enuff to let me know that they are ard... thx..

i think.. i can't say i not emo~ing anymore.. neither can i say i am back to normal or rather the same old me.. but i think, more or less, the heart had managed to steadied itself a lil more..

now.. focus must bring to school...

i can do it..

love u all who loved me...
