Sunday, August 29, 2004
great 8 movie marathon
fri 27 aug
slept after blog then wake up at 9 plus then wait for xian at home and go out wif her and rene.. went to toa payoh for lunch and went for a short game of pool b4 work.. work today was okay bah.. then after work got testprint.. dodgeball.. coz of great 8 then got testprint.. being hanging out wif them alot.. time coordination they are most compatible.. and also had a lot of fun.. i do miss sec school days... the carefree days we once haf.. satisfaction in school were much more easier to fulfill then... common test then were like.. pass or fail also not matter.. now fail.. we are like shit.. how... wat the hell.. we were told tt poly life is an easier path... juz a lot of project.. wth.. no its not.. the exams can kill u.. the lesson timing can kill u.. spent so much time on campus and nv ending projects can bug u... exam stress is at utimate high.. hai.. why is the system made this way.. to train us for working world stress!?
sat 28 aug.. sun 29 aug
after testprint went home do some work then sleep.. then wake up.. then went for lunch wif xian and rene and pool b4 going for our own marathon.. movie marathon.. had 2 movie... face and the stepfor wives.. face is a crappy korean movie and stepford is funny...then i and xian start work at 8.30...oh ya saw wence in his too tanned look.. haha.. damn funny.. so werid... going to work till nx day morning coz of gv great 8 movie marathon... haha.. then pretty fun.. crack alot of jokes.. to keep ourselves awake... haf a lot of things to do... running up and down in cb and pack like hell.. haha... had supper and the experience is not bad.. ppl involve in great 8 is me... xian... rene.. alan... peh.. adida... and bee nite.. her disciple mildred is nite 2... haha.. then saw dean.. irene.. kenneth... all the big shots of gv... then saw audrey.. met her at road show... then xian and adida went home earlier... xian got project.. ask her to go.. after 9 knock off went home bath.. read papers then wake xian up b4 going to sleep... then sleep the whole day... haha.. like pig...
haha.. tt is my weekend.. going to do some work soon...
oh ya.. ps: some time i juz dropped my inspiration lines or paragraph... coz juz a thot.. can suggest ways to improve them...
-=:agu:=- a phase is juz a inspiration short line from a long way of experience...
Friday, August 27, 2004
Life crosses many each intersection, a choice is to be made.sometimes, the choice is difficult to be made.haste decision may cost regrets.sometime turning back is viablesometime the route back is each intersection, a new face may appear.this time round the choice is to be mutual,no longer only one person decision decide the whole times to come, new faces appear and some walk side by side.some leave that path and choose another. some could not catch up.some just follow till the end.
-=:agu:=- i cross many intersection and will cross more
Thursday, August 26, 2004
hi bloggie sorry for not updating.. term test comes and juz pass... failing my modules... maybe the lecturer are out to get me.. but i rather think tt i overconfident... done my share of crying and moaning.. moving on maybe i realli choose something tt is the hardest to overcome... y didn't the easier path cross my way.. perhapes i chosen the harder shortcut then the easier path... watever done was done... regrets too late to settle... work hard... most prob... i guess... i dunno wat else i can do...
hai... then suffer from an anger attack yesterdae... sometimes life is juz fill wif emotion isn't it... anger... happinesss, sadness... all we felt b4.. each haf their unique feeling.. some make one feel good.. some make one feel bitter.
TeMper, the onLy thing thAt U stiLL Can Haf afTer thrOwing It... SoMe tReAt it As A tantruM.. Some TrEat It as a thReAt.. SomE TreaT temPer wiTh due ReSpeCt... AltHougH Not genIunE.. SomE rEgArd it As An AttItDude ProbLem.. For Me... TeMpEr is juZ LiMits BeiNg HitEd wHen ProvOkEd... All Can HavE teMper... YeT Not All AlloWs It To Be ThRowN... To ShoW oR Not tO ShoW is An OpTion... To be ProVokEd Is Not... sO, DoN't TrEat All As a Weakling For ThaT UnEaRthed teMper is Not To Be reCkon With... It HAvE PoWer To EnraGed onE.. To Blind ONe.. and to Show ImmeRse confiDent In One...
-=:agu:=- All Have A rigHT to Be NoISy and A chOice To Be quiEt...
Thursday, August 19, 2004
boring day
Hi bloggie.. boring day.. orignally wanted to go school.. but my frens cancelled out.. so stayed at home and rot!!! haha... pretty okay i guess... slept late last night.. watch table tennis tournament... congrats to Li Jia Wei... got into quater final.. so is Zhang Xue Li.. haha.. and its official today... Ronald Susilo lost... splashed on all papers.. my hearts goes out to him.. he burden the hope of this small nation and the hopes dashes ah the shuttlcork fall on this half of the court too many a time... well.. our only hope is left wif the paddlers... hope they can do it.. but it will be yet again tough... they can suceed.. one day we will get tt medal tt is within our reach!!!! haha... too much olympic excitment.... haha..
btw... pl: can't see ur blog.. keep seeing past entries...
-=:agu:=- HoPe RaISeS expeCtAtiOn And StReSS LeveL
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
PaTiEncE... SomE HavE it, The OtheRs Don't... A SiMpLE SkiLL, Yet HarD to MaSteR... TimE Is ThE OnlY ComPaNy PaTienCE HavE, Yet TimE and TimE AgaIn, PaTiencE was TesTed... But GivEn ITs NaMe, patiEncE ToOk the TesT. EvEn ThE LaRgeSt AmoUnt Of TiMe CannOt BrINg DeTeRMinEd PaTiEnce doWn... For The FrUit BorNe By PatIencE, AfTer the TesT, tasTe ThE SwEeteSt Of All... OnCe In A WhiLe, TimE wiLL Win The TeSt, For ThE LimiTs Of PaTieNce CouLd No LongEr ProDucE SuCh SweEt FruiTs... BuT NeVeR GiVinG Up PaTiEncE Will TrY AgAin... For NoW DeTermInaTioN is WiTh It!!!!
juz a thot...
lose a olympic medal
hai, today's match... susilo still cannot win the thai player... first set was 15-10.. second set 15-1.. disappointed... his pace today was a little messy and not v patient... well... a no go for a gold medal..
hi bloggie.. did nth much today.. watch AVP testprint yesterdae... the one good thing about testprints is the atmosphere... how many can stay in a theatre wif no one else but all the ppl u noe? a supposely gross and slight suprise element movie can become a comedy?! worth 7.50 bah.. might be a box office hit due to its publicity.. haha... and definitely sci fi fans will watch this movie!!! haha.. for me... its ok loh.. haha... anyway.. too bored jzu now that i came up wif this
ThErE iS SoMetHinG WonDerFul In OuR MinD... It IS cAlleD MeMories... SiGnIFiCAnT EvEnTs LeAvE ThEir MaRk In MeMoRies... TiMe MaY ErAse ThEiR TraCe BuT CaN NevEr erAsE TheIr RoOts... SoMeTiMes We UnEaRth TheM fRom TheIr HidIng PlacE to LAugH At oUr FoOlishNesS Or WeEp At Our PaSt HapPinesS tHat sLipS us By....
Please give Comments.. haha... then there is badminton match tonight.. hope susilo can win!!!
-=:agu:=- MeMoRiEs ArE siGniFiCaNt EvEnts ThaT LeaVe TheIR MaRk...
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
shuttler susilo scores
hi bloggie.. juz watched badminton match... susilo scores and get into final 8.. yesh man.. so happy.. he improved alot.. hope he can keep it up and bag tt gold.. ole ole ole ole... so happy....
term break le...
high... too high until i try to sleep it off.. becum even more lazy...
tue, 10 aug haha.... back to school... had my perl test... can cry.. fail le.. only noe how to do the first qns.. that's all... to think i choose this module myself.. if i choose practical spreadsheet... maybe my life would be easier.. but.. i think coz of my stubborness i chose perl... to think i am called agu.. true to the name.. as stubborn as a cow.. hai... haha... regrets!? too late to haf them... well, i am having the most difficults modules in my whole 3 years of poly life.. if i had taken easier options... maybe i will not appear in the course... all i can do now is to work.... work towards mere passing and get over and done wif... i know many wants to enter my course and i would encourage them to... i chose wat i chose due to interest.. for if i wan easier life... i think i will not choose this course... had cat woman testprint... lousy shitty movie... worth 6.50 even lower...
wed, 11 aug had prac for AMB... v fast finish... haha... gracia not here.. so left me and janice doing the tanks and mouse bleed... haha.. was okay bah... then school was okay... watch the village... not bad.. 6.50 to 7.50... haha... quite worth it... then went home and orh orh...
thurs, 12 aug janice did not come for aqua prac.. then wash tanks plus all the others left me and gracia.. haha..then think IMM prac was okay.. during break b4 IMM, discuss IMM project wif kelvin, wei wei and xiao wei.. arggh... she ah.. waste time loh.. hai.. then went home to do hw... haha.. then wait for xian to reach home and online to send her her anime.. then kris came along.. so chit chatted till 4 in the morning.. haha..
fri, 13 aug happy bdae to jy.. also happen to be friday the 13.. =X no other meaning.. haha.. overslept... pong lec.. die lah me... getting more and more naughty... cannot pong for the rest of the sem.. cannot risk having any warning letter.. if not, can say good bye to gv.. good bye to social life... haha.. my mum will restrict me till.... haha,.. then went to watch the notebook wif xian.. haha.. not bad bah.. 6.50.. watch at plaza.. always plaza or bishan.. occasionally at marina.. haha.. then went to play acade wif her and play pool too.. one damn good fren.. ask her out to pei wo.. she yi bu rong ci... realli admire her for her character.. haha... then went to jackson for dinner.. haha.. then had crabs and to celebrate jy cum gary bdae... they haf only a day difference.. so funny... haha.. then went to cy's home to watch VCD.. 50 first dates... -.-''' waatch b4 le.. haha.. but still funny.. haha.. then near to the end the enterance of a flying cockroach started cy and yenny.. haha.. so funny... laff until cannot stop... haha.. then went home....
sat, 14 aug happy bdae gary... went for a game of baminton... haha.. in the morning.. b4 tt went to bank to settle some stuff and school to hand up some work... play badminton at YCK cc.. finally, my place.. haha.. then had fun.. then went for lunch b4 goin to pool at AMk.. haha. still sucks at the game.. haha... then i work kacang.. my only working day for tt week and is KACANG.. hai.. then today was okay...
sun 15 aug, did nth.. haha.. slack and slack.. then went to oriental hotel to watch fireworks.. this time got more ppl.. fang ning jie jie and her hubby... one of my fav cousin... then got mandy jie jie.. she ah... so scare of tickle until she will run far far away.. and my uncles, aunties.. the usual... like andy bro.. haha.. haha.. i realli like such time.. think coz of my age now.. can click wif them even more.. last time is juz a little gal... ignorant and juz plain innocent... okay okay,, maybe not tt innocent but i was YOUNg b4.. so now can tok even more and more sociable now.. haha.. then after tt went to gv bishan coz auntie kris scare of u noe wat.., due ot the 7th month.. haha.. then chitchat wif her, hong xiang, micky and xian.. ahha.. and wen quan!! got scare by all of us.. haha.. scaredy cat.. ahha.... then had fun and all.. juz chit chat there.. then went back to hotel to orh orh...
mon 16 aug, haha.. had breaskfast at the hotel place then after some time then went home.. too tired till i orh orh... also dunnoe y so tired... then went out to slack wif xian and lai.. haha...juz plain nth to do...
Words are hurtful but graceful as well... it can be used to cause injury as well as comfort... sometimes tactless goes hand in hand wif ignorance... sometimes tactless juz plain exist... sometimes tactlessness goes well wif straightforwardness... it may hurt but it is truthful.. the truth hurt isn't it.. but if everyone is tactful, aren't we all hypocrite, the one thing we all hate... i dunnoe y, i dunnoe how and i do noe once in a while we hurt our friends and they will forgive us for it.. but it doesn't mean we can take them for granted... friends are the most remarkable being... U relate them wif secrets and woes.. but yet u can't relate them wif blood ties... so my friends... i do seek forgiveness for all the misdoing i did to cause hurt... but do let me noe the comfort i provide....
ps: the above is juz an inspiration... drop comments and i am not refering to anything... juz too bored...
-=:agu:=- A careless word may kindle strife. A cruel word may wreck a life. A timely word may level stress. A loving word may heal and bless...
Monday, August 09, 2004
term test coming!!!!
yo bloggie... usual stuff... being bz at school more often now... piling up projects!!!!
tue 3 aug usual lunch fare wif cy and ting... haha.. a little late in asking but still managed in time! then after school discuss projects and then home and away... after dinner did homework!!!! 4 assignments to hand up... tons of math exercise and lots of stress!!!
wed 4 aug... prac was okay... pretty routine and easy.. math lect was okay too... haha.. basically an OKAY day for me!
thurs 5 aug dissect a fish.. injected rabbit and mouse tail bleed for prac... okay and haf to discuss project for fri presentation.. in the end late for work! haha.. a rush day for me!
fri 6 aug lec was okay... trying to cope and understand! haha.. presentation and did well i guess.. or so the lecturer said! haha... went for lunch and played at school fun fair! haha.. the ride i dun noe wat is it called the one tt circles again and again! haha.. played wif my classmates and we had fun! haha... went to work.. okay bah... juz lame ard put on black face at the end! haha...
sat 7 aug played badminton in the morning wif siang, xian, and rene! at braddell heights cc! haha.. had a good game.. got 1 where we hit the shuttlecork for damn long.. flying here and there! haha.. and xian spoilt siang racket.. although it was going to spoilt anyway! haha.. scene too hilarious to describe using mere words.. haf to be there to see! haha... went for lunch and a game of pool! haha... xian definitely on form and when will i learn to master the game! hahaha.... went ot work from there.. first time all 3 of us start work at the same time! haha.. i am a rare guest a flr, xian a usual at cb and rene the closing of box... but then again i am a flt! haha.. i originally flt kacang only but in the end flt to cb as well.. bz day... and finally saw the training CE... she looks pretty... gentle looking like kris mentioned and v soft spoken... in contrast to me.. i too LOUD le.. haha.. after work, joke wif bee(night), rene, xian, lai(he came down), peh(waited for lai, worked until 2200) and kelvin(my towkay for tt day, kacang) haha.. then from xian becoming a obedient dog to kelvin spilled drink to i accidentally hit kelvin's head, we lame all the way and laff all the way! home sweet home.. reach home at near to 3, and online till 5 plus in the early morning... then went to snooze!
8 aug sun wake up at 2... then haf lunch and did nth... haha.. watch tv and went to work! haha... worked at box wif my ahma... xian was however transported to kc... maybe a better news for her as she dun haf to face the irritating SK(arsehole).. haha.. then got started by me twice i guess although the first scare was damn funny.. and got scared by rene too.. haha... sorry... did not mean to scare u.. it was unintentionally... haha.. i present u my humble apology.. then work was okay...
9 aug mon
firstly happy NATIONAL day... 39 years of independence and is going to last on! its the nation birthday, an excuse to rest (for most ppl), a day to celebrate! the last NDP at the national stadium... (in case u dun noe, the national stadium will be torn down to be rebuilt!)... i will be working lata.. hai! haha.. and hopefully all will be at home glued to the Time Vacum(TV aka television)... so an easy day for me! haha..
-=:agu:=- A pessimist is someone who looks at the land of milk and honey and sees only calories and cholesterol...
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
![]() You're an Autum. You're much more laid back then most and you're very comfortable in new situations. You rather let things go with the flow than try to change them. You have a lot of close friends who love you because you can help them with their problems. You're a very patient person and it take a lot to get you rattled. You're deffinately a lover not a hater. What season are you? (pics) brought to you by |
projects projects projects!
Yo bloggie! being bz.. really bz wif projects and school work! 27 july tue as usual, go school and learn programming and PQS! haha... did nth much juz slack.. went home to do homework! did tons of homework! haha.. then also did some research for projects.. this is one freaky semester... toking bout core module projects there are 4... PQS got 2!!!! hai... then think programming will soon haf project... hai! sian.. y life so sad! 28 july wed a little more free on wed! prac was okay.. but haf almost broke into cold sweat for math tutorial, coz got homeworkl not finish! muz finish! haha.. then lect. was okay.. stress but okay lah.. then xian jio me watch movie.. haha... she v good.. pei wo watch ella enchanted, although she watch le.. one great pal! then i treat her loh.. the movie since she watch b4 le.. no pt ask her to pay! haha.. then after movie went to makan, while i continue wif my mad cow disease! laming all the way.. until too lame le! haha... 29 july thurs today was okay! juz tt i lost my aqua log book!!! *sob* hai... suai ah.. but IMM prac was okay! then after school, went home and slack... nice... juz surf the net and do nth! oh ya.. research debate stuff! 30 july fri lect was okay.. haf to study by myself to catch up! haha.. then after school went to do project! haha... okay lah... juz doing some touching up and get prepared for the presentation! haha... then do until 5 went to work! work at 6.20.. xian... work at 6.. kacang.. rene at 7 box.. me cb closing.. sian.. work only one day for the week as sat going to watch NDP preview! haha... then work was okay.. slack and got auntie vasuki training so i did even less! hohoho.. haha... 31 july sat wake up and went to play badminton wif rene, xian and kelvin! haha.. then kelvin like to smack ball.. i got assaulted by xian! *sob* bully me!!!! haha...then i went home to prepared to go for NDP while they went to play pool wif eunice! haha.. i wanna play!!!!! haha..then wne tfor preview... saw some familiar faces like bernice, xian ting, and ying ju! haha.. they are usher! then the NDP was good! haha.. then TK band standard drop and deyi got perform.. proud of them.. the fireworks sparks its finale wif loud blast... splendid display wif numerous cheers from the audience! haha.. great display.. my favourite segment of the NDP is the fireworks.. after the display, all on our feets as we swell in pride while singing the national anthem and recite the plegde.. familiar medley like count on me singapore, were sang... in high spirits that encircle the stadium... touch light flashs across and a beautiful picture is form... as everyone move as one! haha... after the Emcees pronouce the end of the parade... typical singaporean characteristic show once again... haha... everyone push to get out of the stadium.. a race to get home first... haha.. after the NDP, went to gv... help ard abit and chit chat wif kris, lai, xian... then take cab home wif them! haha.. 1aug, sun gv, meeting.. wake up early to attend.. had an interesting meeting... bascially to improve our "customer service" standards!!! hai.. then had lunch wif rene, ting, xian,lai, kelvin, peh, siang.. haha.. played a prank on xian.. sorry!!! i am not the mastermind! juz an accomplice!!! haha.. then walk ard J8 and juz lame.. went home and zzz then after tt went to oriental hotel to watch fireworks by the bay!!! haha.. okay lah... then chit chat wif my cousins and had dinner there! then went home 2aug mon hmm... lec day... haf debate today! lose but wif honour! haha.. we did well! then after school went home.. did some homework and the online quiz!! then go zzz -=:agu:=- Promises are like babies....Mostly easy to make bit hard to deliver |